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This paper studies models where the optimal response functions under consideration are non-increasing in endogenous variables, and weakly increasing in exogenous parameters. Such models include games with strategic substitutes, and include cases where additionally, some variables may be...
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We present an experiment for the study of learning in a complex task which requires both memorisation and the ability … the end of the experiment) the subjects start refining them to include a larger subset of the information, this causes …
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design of the intercultural tacit coordination experiment, and section 3 the results. Finally, section 4 presents a very …) experiments on tacit coordination. Section 1 introduces the concept of focal point equilibrium selection in tacit one …-shot symmetric pure coordination games, as presented by Schelling in his classic article; it then traces its subsequent exploration …
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This paper examines game theoretic models of coordination conventions. Firstly, the paper shows that static models of … coordination cannot explain the emergence of coordination conventions. The best interpretation of these models is that they study … the conditions under which coordination is possible. The examination of these conditions suggests that history and …
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A new mechanism that substantially mitigates social dilemmas is examined theoretically and experimentally. It resembles the voluntary contribution mechanism (VCM) except that in each decision round subjects are ranked and then grouped according to their public contribution. The game has multiple...
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multi-player coordination game with conflicting preferences. Network structure matters but the interaction between network … coordination and distribution of coordinated outcomes across networks. But increasing the communication length improves both … efficiency an equity of coordination. In all treatments, coordination is mostly explained by convergence in communication. We …
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first part of the experiment is seen as a kind of training period. The different treatments of the coordination game are, in …This paper revisited Gregory Bateson’s theory of hierarchical learning through an experiment testing the existence of … context effect and learning spill-over in two following games: a coordination game and a two-step battle-of-the sexes. The …
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This note uses techniques developed for aggregate games to characterize the set of equilib- ria for a beauty contest or prediction game in which the experts’ preferences are quadratic, but with an otherwise unrestricted information structure for private signals and the state variable. We show...
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We address the challenge of designing performance-based incentive schemes for schoolteachers. When teachers specialize in different subjects in the presence of social prejudice, performance based pay which depends on the average of student performance can cause teachers to coordinate their...
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The paper studies an evolutionary model where players from a given population are randomly matched in pairs each period to play a co- ordination game. At each instant, a player can choose to adopt one of the two possible behavior rules, called the rational rule and the as- piring rule, and then...
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