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The purpose of this paper is the discussion of non-financial performance measures that can be adopted in the management accounting function of business organisations. The study is important because it shows how organisational focus on non-financial measures can substantially enhance...
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What matters to economic decision-making is whether the economy has become more or less predictable. People and businesses use information around them to form judgements about what might happen in the future. The rise in uncertainty might be associated with increased concern about extreme...
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individuals having equal raw score. Two major theories Classical Testing Theory and Item Response Theory have been using in the … literature. We design two different Monte Carlo studies to investigate which theory is better and which model perform more …
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In this paper, a theory of total factor productivity (TFP) that incorporates a model of intelligence is formulated and … is based on item response theory, which is widely used in psychology and psychometrics. TFP is assumed to be an …
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An alternative to using normally distributed random effects in modeling clustered binary and ordered responses is based on using a finite-mixture. This approach gives rise to a flexible class of generalized linear mixed models for item responses, multilevel data, and longitudinal data. A test of...
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On BHPS data we measure various indices of social capital at the individual and household level, and use them as explanatory variables in standard consumption insurance tests. We find that two out of three aspects of social capital positively impact on consumption smoothing, by reducing the...
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Building upon earlier work by Willenbockel (2013; MPRA Paper No.51501), this study provides an extended ex-ante computable general equilibrium (CGE) assessment of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement between the member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, the East African...
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The long run relationship between current account balance (CAB) and capital account balance (KAB) and the repercussions of capital account convertibility (KAC) on growth process of a country is a much debated issue. In particular, in the aftermath of the Southeast Asian crisis, the limitation of...
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This paper sheds new light on the assessment of firm networks via multiple directorships in terms of corporate firm performance. Using a large sample of European listed firms in the period from 2003 to 2011 and system GMM we find a significant compensation effect on corporate firm performance...
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Economic behavior in the study of Islamic economics is the basis for the government to portray political ethics and ethical economic functions of individuals in functioning as a member of society. Secular ethics and religious ethics, according to al-Mawardi, as the code of conduct in conducting...
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