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the U.S., we find that nursing home expenses play an important role in the savings of the wealthy. In our policy analysis … percent, Medicaid and old-age welfare programs crowd out 44 percent of savings and greatly increase wealth inequality, and …
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Amidst the financial crisis and changes in the labour market, retirement savings plans are subject to greater scrutiny …. The retirement income system in Canada stands on both public and private retirement savings plans. This article describes … the coverage of Canadian workers by private retirement savings plans. Using cross-sectional tax data from the T1 Family …
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economic agents. The empirical analysis of government debt, interest rate and private savings of Turkey documents that fiscal …. The empirical results also notes the positive impact of decreasing government debt on private savings under every state …
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Pakistan. Consumption decisions determine savings decisions. In long term growth literature, differences in long term growth … had been explained to a large extent by differences in the rate of savings which also determine a country’s investment in … determinants of savings in Pakistan economy. The results indicate evidence of consumption smoothing and relatively stable Average …
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This paper investigates empirically the relationship between savings and investment in Indonesia, Philippines and … developing countries. Using bounds testing for cointegration, the results do not support a positive correlation between savings …
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explored under the assumption of a direct preference for bequeathing savings that are reinvested. This assumption implies a … Utility function depending on both consumption and savings, which may also be motivated as one that captures a direct …
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Savers, including pension savers, convert savings into assets: homes,government bonds and shares.The conversion of … savings is for the very long term. Once monies are turned into assets, the reverse process of turning assets into cash cannot …
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to have low savings relative to investment, which depresses their capital outflows. This paper puts life-cycle theory to … these two regions. Youth rates depressed domestic savings significantly in both the MENA and GISP regions, while ageing as … well as population growth had a positive impact in the GISP region. Also, domestic savings significantly caused …
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The intention of this study was to investigate whether the causal inference between savings and economic growth in … quarterly data from 1991:Q1 to 2006:Q3. The results suggested that the causal relationship between savings and economic growth … inconsistency causality result of savings and economic growth. Ultimately, causality test does not matter to savings-growth nexus …
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We describe the negotiated-price mechanism, introduced in the USSR in 1985, to increase flexibility of retail prices. We discuss a possibility to improve interactions between manufacturing and retailing through negotiated prices, and demonstrate a methodology to estimate them, using consumer...
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