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This paper investigates the time-varying correlation between the EU12-wide business cycle and the initial EU12 member-countries based on Scalar-BEKK and multivariate Riskmetrics model frameworks for the period 1980-2012. The paper provides evidence that changes in the business cycle...
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What matters to economic decision-making is whether the economy has become more or less predictable. People and businesses use information around them to form judgements about what might happen in the future. The rise in uncertainty might be associated with increased concern about extreme...
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This paper examines the spatial interaction of neighboring cities over their employment cycles. The cycles of neighboring cities tend to be more similar to one another than are those of non-neighboring cities, although this is due primarily to neighbors' tendency to be in the same state. In...
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look Markovian at the level of both simple averages and 2-point correlations. And while a Markovian market has no memory to … 3-point or higher correlations to beat the market. We generalize our Markov scaling solutions presented earlier, and … serial correlations in Fama’s paper on the EMH. We end with a discussion of Levy’scharacterization of Brownian motion and …
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This paper investigates the volatility and correlations of stock returns of some crisis-hit countries such as, US … the Malaysian index with the other country indices. Secondly, given the correlations, how best can a normal investor … that the investors’ behaviour converges and correlations are significantly higher across the two Asian countries in the …
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Recent literature on the workhorse model of intra-industry trade has explored heterogeneous cost structures at the firm level. These approaches have proven to add realism and predictive power. This paper presents a new and simple heterogeneous-firms specification. We develop a symmetric...
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Over the past two decades, the Maghreb Countries have initiated a liberalization process characterized by increasing trade flows and they have strengthened economic and financial linkages between their economies. In this paper, we demonstrate how co-movements of outputs would respond to this...
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The simultaneous exports and imports of a product within country or a particular industry called intra-industry trade (IIT) or two-way trade. In the recent years, the government of Pakistan had realized factors to liberalize the international trade. The literature of international economics...
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As the experience of European transition countries shows, the opening-up of their economic systems for international competition and FDIs, deepening economic liberalization and integration, and on this basis, the realization of real convergence within the integration block lead to the increased...
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In recent years empirical studies offer clear evidence on the increasing importance of intra-industry trade in presence of vertically differentiated products. These are goods that, within the same industry, are distinguished by different quality levels. In the new trade theory and in the...
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