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defense policy in the rational framework of deterrence strategy. I chose the evolutionary game theory approach as my research … method. My study yielded the following result: the deterrence is not stable when the aggression level of the defenders is … substantial number of supporters who hoped to restore the deterrence. This study concludes that the Israelis exhibited strong …
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This paper implements an experimental test of a game-theoretic model of equilibrium profiling. Attackers choose a demographic “type” from which to recruit, and defenders choose which demographic types to search. Some types are more reliable than others in the sense of having a higher...
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We present an experiment for the study of learning in a complex task which requires both memorisation and the ability … the end of the experiment) the subjects start refining them to include a larger subset of the information, this causes …
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We show and explain how generosity beyond that explainable by social preferences can manifest in bargaining. We analyze an ultimata game with two parties vying to coalesce with a randomly chosen proposer. They simultaneously demand shares of the surplus. The proposer must then make an offer that...
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information is costly, which may discourage people from accessing it. We design a public goods experiment in which participants …
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Using a gift exchange experiment, we show that the ability of reciprocity to overcome incentive problems inherent in …
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potentially divisible resource. We design an experiment to compare individuals’ decisions across three resource allocation …
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In this paper, we use experimental data to study players' stability in normal-form games where subjects have to report beliefs and to choose actions. Subjects saw each of 12 games four times in a regular or isomorphic form spread over two days without feedback. We document a high degree of...
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We examine subjects’ behavior in sender-receiver games where there are gains from trade and alignment of interests in … subject’s own behavior in the other role. The results of the experiment indicate that, when acting as senders, the majority of …
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of conflict when resources are sufficiently depleted. In this paper, we provide experimental evidence that individuals … behave according to the theoretical predictions. For high stocks of resources, when conflict is a highly costly activity … as a consequence of the (correct) anticipation that, when resources run low, the conflict option is used by a large share …
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