Showing 1 - 10 of 798
consumer spending is based on households’ expectations of their future income. However, in short-term forecasting, the … addition, consumer confidence seems to contain both a forecasting and independent explicative ability to predict consumption …
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The paper compares one-period ahead forecasting performance of linear vector-autoregressive (VAR) models and single …
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paper analyzes how optimal prior changes when an economy is hit by a recession. For this task, an autoregressive distributed …
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from internet search queries performed on the search engine Google. The forecasting performance of the Google Inflation …, Survey of Professional Forecasters, and the Michigan Survey. While useful in developing models of forecasting inflation …
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Michigan Surveys of Consumers. While these measures have been useful in developing models of forecasting inflation, the data …
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-- 2010 I exhaustively evaluate the forecasting properties of Bayesian shrinkage in regressions with many predictors. Results …
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Schwarz. In this paper I evaluate the predictive ability of the Akaike and Schwarz information criteria using autoregressive integrated moving average models, with sectoral data of Chilean GDP. In terms of root mean square error, and after the estimation of more than a million models, the...
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There is no standard economic forecasting procedure that systematically outperforms the others at all horizons and with … forecasting purposes where the traditional ARMA specification is preferred. Accounting for the Easter effect improves the forecast …
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macroeconomic variables, contains a forecasting and explicative power on consumption. By including consumer confidence in a … provides good forecasting results. …
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well as the farmers’welfare. In this paper, we take up time series modelling and forecasting of the Sarawak black pepper …
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