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This paper examines persistence in the Ukrainian stock market during the recent financial crisis. Using two different … persistence is not the same in different stages of the financial crisis. Therefore trading strategies might have to be modified …
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This paper investigates the behavior of stock returns in an emerging stock market namely, the Macedonian Stock Exchange, focusing on the relationship between returns and conditional volatility. The conditional mean follows a GARCH-M model, while for the conditional variance one symmetric (GARCH)...
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There has been a well-known relationship between macro financial fundamentals and oil prices, yet there is also ample evidence that this relationship weakens during some periods. In this paper, we investigated whether the relationship between oil and macro financial fundamentals vary depending...
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Holding on gold as an asset has been considered a traditional safe haven for risk averse investors even though holding gold has no yield other than capital asset, especially during the volatile economic periods. Under the Breton Woods agreement the exchange rate is fixed by agreement and the...
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the purpose of the description of the observed persistence in the mean and volatility of a time series. The long memory …
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This is an exploratory study that attempts to identify and provide empirical evidence on the possible determinants of the market capitalisation of the Harare Stock Exchange (HSE) with the view of understanding the development prospects of the HSE and other similar markets. The study used...
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We empirically investigate the existence of periodically collapsing bubbles in seven Middle East and North African (MENA) financial markets for the period ending in May 2009. We use the Taylor and Peel (1998) residual augmented least square Dickey and Fuller test (RALS DF) to detect the bubbles....
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In this paper, we try to build an efficient portfolio among four possible portfolios based on the some 31 Casablanca listed shares. Our analysis concerns the risk which arises from the Markowitz mean-variance approach. Our work method will be implemented as following: first of all, we will test...
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Efficient GMM estimation of the semi-strong GARCH(1,1) model requires simultaneous estimation of the conditional third and fourth moments. This paper proposes a simple alternative to efficient GMM based upon the unconditional skewness of residuals and the autocovariances of squared residuals. An...
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Market inefficiency has influence on resource allocation, as price signals tend systematically understate or overstate the effects of information transmitted to the trading parties in the market. In this paper a number of statistical tests employed to assess the weak-form efficiency of Khartoum...
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