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This paper analyses the intraday co-movements between returns on several commodity markets and on the stock market in the United States over the 1997-2011 period. By exploiting a new high frequency database, we compute various rolling correlations at (i) 1-hour, (ii) 5-minute, (iii) 10-second,...
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We document considerable return comovement associated with accruals after controlling for other common factors. An accrual-based factor-mimicking portfolio has a Sharpe ratio of 0.16, higher than that of the market factor or the SMB and HML factors of Fama and French (1993). In time series...
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Past research has shown that the level of operating accruals is a negative cross-sectional predictor of stock returns. This paper examines whether the accrual anomaly extends to the aggregate stock market. In contrast with cross-sectional findings, there is no indication that aggregate operating...
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This paper uses the tools of computational linguistics to analyze the qualitative part of the annual reports of UK listed companies. More specifically, the frequency of words associated with praise, concreteness and activity is measured and used to forecast future stock returns. We find that our...
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The monetary unit assumption of financial accounting assumes a stable currency (i.e., constant purchasing power over time). Yet, even during periods of low inflation or deflation, nominal financial statements violate this assumption. I posit that, while the effects of inflation are not...
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Web 2.0 heralds a new era of communication with a massive increase in information supply and where news, opinion and services flow directly from user to user. Financial institutions can take advantage if they stay abreast of this development. However, any Web 2.0 presence of a financial...
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Established payment systems play a dominant role also in B2C e-commerce. Innovative payment systems can only be a success here if they pay attention to the particular features of e-commerce, convey the worth of their value-adding unique selling proposition and enjoy the support of established...
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Because of the financial and economic crisis that has affected Romania since October 2008, many people do no longer qualify for the bank loans they need to finance their investments or daily expenses. The alternative could be getting the money by pledging a personal good (especially jewelries)...
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This paper examines the impact of the Malaysian Syariah Advisory Council’s (SAC) decision on stock eligibility. Specifically, we address four questions related to returns and trading volume of stocks in relation to the SAC’s decision to add or delete a stock to their list of halal stocks....
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Abstract: The scope of this article is to point out the features of European corporate bond market, in particular its development since the euro introduction. We structured our paper on chapters that present its economic importance, the implications of the common currency in respect to its...
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