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In the early 1990s capital flows to the Asian economies were dominated by FDI. By contrast, Latin America was attracting little FDI and a large share of its inflows were either short-term or portfolio and viewed as “hot money.” These differences gave rise to the view that Latin America was...
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This paper evaluates the performance of leading micro-founded pricing-to-market frictions vis-a-vis a set of robust stylized facts about international prices. In order to make that evaluation meaningful, we embed each friction into a unified IRBC framework and parameterize the models in a...
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An open economy macromodel, calibrated to typical institutions and shocks of a populous emerging market economy, shows that a monetary stimulus preceding a supply shock can abort inflation at minimum output cost, since of the appreciation of exchange rates, accompanying a fall in interest rates...
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This paper tries to explain, using a model that includes asset market risk country, the behavior of nominal exchange rate, as well as determine the impact of this risk in determining the exchange rate, also seeks to establish whether the exchange rate is below the level predicted by their bases...
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This paper examines the validity of both the short-run and long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypotheses in Japan using two estimation methods, namely, a unit root test and an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration test. Some important findings are obtained from our analysis....
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In this paper I analyse the pass-through effect in four big areas using different approaches. On the one hand, I inspect this issue comparing the REER (real effective exchange rate) with the WARP (weighted average relative price) in the US, the UK, Japan and the Euro area. On the other hand, I...
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We model a typical Asian-crisis-economy using dynamic general equilibrium tech-niques. Exchange rates obtain from nontrivial fiat-currencies demands. Sudden stops/bank-panics are possible, and key for evaluating the merits of alternative ex-change rate regimes. Strategic complementarities...
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In this paper we adopt a non linear approach to examine the dynamics of the international reserves holdings by the emerging economies. To do so, we estimate the demand for international reserves with a panel smooth transition model, that loosens two restricting hypotheses, homogeneity and...
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This paper focuses on real exchange rate in the case of CEMAC countries. To analyze the situation in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon and Chad we used annual data from 1979 to 2008. Two approaches were used related to equilibrium real exchange rate model based on fundamentals and...
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The wave of liberalization of capital movements, which swept Europe in the 1980s and the emerging market countries in the 1990s, has given rise to the two-corner strategy. According to this view only two exchange rate regimes are sustainable: hard pegs and fully flexible rates. Soft pegs in the...
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