Showing 1 - 10 of 422
It is found that over 1999:1-2012:12 China’s monetary expansion influences Japan through the effect of China’s growth on world commodity prices, increased demand for imports, and exchange rate policy. China’s monetary expansion is associated with significant increases in Japan’s...
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We highlight in this note how an application of a similar estimation approach as ours to Colombian data for a more recent period following financial and capital account liberalization may find that the money supply is "endogenous" (i.e. demand-determined as long as the exchange rate is heavily...
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Like many countries, Spain has gone through a series of financial crises, both before and after its industrialization. There are many underlying causes for these crises, as well as for the current Spanish downturn. It is worth noting that there are similarities between recessions throughout the...
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This is the 2007 Edition of the only book in print in the world about the Single Global Currency, and is the only book in the world priced in 143 currencies (down from 147 in the 2006 edition.).This number is significant, as it's the number of currencies required among the 192 U.N. members to...
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The issue of the change of the value of the Chinese currency has been focused by the world for several years. Its influences on not only China but also the rest of the world could not be neglected. Briefly historical background of the change of the Chinese currency as well as the influences it...
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Gældskrisens udbrud blev startsignalet til omfattende makroøkonomiske reformer i u-Iandene i 1980erne. De chok, som forårsagede krisen, udgjorde sammen med kraftigt voksende uligevægte i eksterne og interne samfundsøkonomiske balancer en virkningsfuld advarsel. Det blev klart, at de...
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This article provides information about the International Human Resource Management and discusses HRM according to the international prospective in Pakistan. In this article it is discussed that how environmental and cultural factors affect the recruitment, selection and industry/employee...
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Abstract This paper examines from the developing countries perspective important analytical and policy issues arising from: a) the current international discussions about corporate governance in relation to the New International Financial Architecture; b) changes in the international competitive...
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After overcoming various financial crises in the mid-90's and early millennium (Tequila, Asian, Russian, Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador) Latin America found a proper environment conducive to reach sustained growth and macroeconomic stability. Endogenous elements - such as credit growth, the...
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This book to which the present paper provides a foreword, investigates the interactions between globalization and economic nationalism in Asian countries. In this foreword, for South Asian countries the question of economic nationalism is considered through the lens of economic openness. Full...
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