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Modelling of the physical characteristics of goods and geography can explain both the puzzling persistence and volatility in the deviations of the international relative prices and the real exchange rate (the PPP persistence puzzle). In a two-country, three-good general equilibrium model,...
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Основна цел на овој труд е да покаже што претставува нафтата за светското стопанство, нејзиното производство и употреба, влијанието на нафтата и нафтените...
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The declared objective of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to promote free trade between member states. Nonetheless, an exhaustive study of bilateral merchandise trade based on a large panel data set led Rose (2004) to conclude that...
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Using a recursive vector autoregression (VAR), this paper considers the relation between the U.S. real interest rate and the real oil price. Theoretically, as outlined in Hotelling (1931) and Working (1949), a lower real interest rate results in reduced production and increased storage, implying...
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This paper reviews the central features of France’s capital controls in the 70's and 80's and strives to assess their ability, in the context of various exchange rate mechanisms, to regulate capital flows and to stabilize the exchange rate while allowing France to preserve a measure of...
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Following the high variability of floating exchange rates after the collapse of the Bretton-Wood System, policymakers have increasingly relied on weighted exchange rate indexes (nominal effective exchange rate index) or indexes of competitiveness (real effective exchange rate or...
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This paper analyzes the Eurodollar market, investigating the reasons for its expansion after 1973, and the consequences for monetary policy. In the first part of the paper, the issue of credit and money creation by offshore banks is considered. The nature of the liquidity creation process is...
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This paper investigates the interactions among the Romanian industrial production, exports and imports after the adhesion to European Union. We employ monthly values testing for the Granger Causality between the variables in a Vector Autoregression framework. Our results indicate significant...
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Using a multi-country general equilibrium model, we demonstrate that when agents face credit constraints in an international financial market, rational expectations, which are ex-post heterogeneous between countries, cause business fluctuations. If the international financial market becomes...
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The new member countries of the European Union professed on the day of their entry to adopt the single European currency Euro without undue delays. There arise two quite fundamental questions within this context, which are: “When will they make this step?” and “Will they be able, in this...
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