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In 2005, Uganda’ government fundamentally shifted the direction of its microfinance (MF) policy. Hitherto it had … direction served the objectives of Uganda’s politicians to maintain political power, as it offered them an avenue to create …
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recent years microfinance has emerged as an important instrument to relieve poverty in the developing countries. Today there … countries where the proportion of people in poverty is high. The existing microfinance in Nigeria serves less than 1 million …Today widespread poverty is one of the major problems of mankind and its alleviation one of her major agendas. In …
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This article presents a practical methodology to monitor poverty changes among microfinance clients using available … microfinance practitioners to verify whether their clients are moving out of poverty and validate management strategies aiming to … household panel data. As an example, it presents an estimation of the net number of people that rose above the $1/day poverty …
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microfinance has strong capacity to drive economic growth and poverty reduction in Eritrea. …The poverty levels in Eritrea are alarming. In the light of the escalating nature of poverty, there is an urgent need … for a poverty alleviation initiative to reduce miseries of the majority of the poor. An attempt is made in this paper to …
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reinforcement of the microfinance mechanism to propagate a soothing trend for poverty reduction and economic growth. … economic development in Nigeria. Based on empirical study, it has been observed that poverty is multifaceted and its … which could improve their lives. For this study, our theoretical a priori expectation is that provision of microfinance …
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for poverty reduction and rural development. The data and information were generated from combined descriptive and field …. The application of microcredit to other poverty groups who actually need subsidies and social safety nets would be a … Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). Its graduated strategy for helping the poor should be applied to the poverty pyramid by …
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This paper examines the extent of seasonal hunger and its food consumption vulnerability among rural households in the North West part of Bangladesh (i.e., the greater Rangpur region) and whether the Programmed Initiative for Monga Eradication or PRIME interventions (such as flexible...
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Is it possible for microfinance institutions to simultaneously pursue profits and poverty reduction? This study … explores this question by analyzing the impact of Khushhali Bank, the largest retail microfinance bank in Pakistan. Khushhali … the bank also had an impact on economic or social measures of poverty, including empowerment of poor women, or income …
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accumulating on the impact of microfinance activities on poverty reduction. In particular we ask what is the evidence on three … poverty on a permanent basis; (2) the extent to which microfinance programs reach only the better-off amongst the poor … organizations and countries and in turn a vast number studies have attempted to assess the outreach and poverty impact of such …
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Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are often seen by aid practitioners as a manifestly effective means of improving the … have been carried out more “rigorously”, but in both regions the evidence that microfinance is reaching the core poor is …
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