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In this paper I analyse the pass-through effect in four big areas using different approaches. On the one hand, I inspect this issue comparing the REER (real effective exchange rate) with the WARP (weighted average relative price) in the US, the UK, Japan and the Euro area. On the other hand, I...
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This paper measures the welfare implications of a depreciation of the US dollar against the euro using a dynamic equilibrium model. I calibrate a simple two country stochastic endowment economy with trade in goods and financial assets and exogenous variations in the exchange rate. The model...
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This paper measures the welfare cost to consumers of the bloc of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), plus Malta and Cyprus, of choosing a de- preciated conversion rate when joining the European Monetary Union. For this, I present and solve an appropriately calibrated small open...
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This study investigates the impact of trade openness on Malaysian exchange rate. The findings show that most of the variables are statistically significant and carried the expected signs. As predicted by the theory, the rise of the income level and stock market index in Malaysia will lead to the...
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How well does the monetary exchange rate model explain exchange rate behaviour in Nigeria? Using the Johansen -Juselius (1990) and Johansen (1991) cointegration technique, this paper examines the long-run validity of the monetary exchange rate model in Nigeria for the flexible exchange rate...
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The classical case of comparative advantage is put into a new formal framework, that is, the behavioral axioms of standard economics are replaced by a set of structural axioms. This enables a comprehensive analysis that takes the effects on income and profit explicitly into account. The axioms...
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has contributed to lower volatility in the G$/US exchange rate. The paper also presents a model that analyzes monetary …
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period of 1994q3–2005q2. The results suggest thatthe real exchange rate volatility and misalignment have depressing effects … volatility proving that the policy-induced changes in exchange rate has a stabilizing effect on trade flows. The implied … elasticity for the most significant real exchange rate volatility coefficient is -0.20. Using a two-step Engle-Granger technique …
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This paper investigates the effect of real exchange rate misalignment and volatility on Malaysian import flows during … Natural Real Exchange Rate (NATREX) equilibrium model, whereas the volatility of real exchange rate is generated from the … the level of Malaysian imports for period of the study. The empirical results also show that the exchange rate volatility …
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exchange rate volatility on total exports for a panel of 42 developing countries from 1975 to 2004. The results show that both … real exchange rate misalignment and real exchange rate volatility affect negatively exports. The results also illustrate … that real exchange rate volatility is more harmful to exports than misalignment. These outcomes are corroborated by …
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