Showing 1 - 10 of 26
auction formats in public procurement. The difference-in-differences strategy used exploits a data set of auctions for public … works run alternately under first price and average bid auctions. We find that the use of first price auctions causes a … marked decline in both entry and subcontracting. We also find that the type of firms entering first price auctions changes …
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Would a seller prefer to sell multiple objects through sequential or simultaneous auctions? Sequential auctions with …
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We describe a discrete-time auction procedure called PAUSE (Progressive Adaptive User Selection Environment) for use in assigning COLR (Carrier of Last Resort) responsibility for universal service. The auction incorporates synergies by permitting all combinatorial bids, is transparent to the...
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We present an example of risk neutral bid-taker and bidders in which the bid-taker obtains a greater expected revenue from auctioning an inefficient contract than from auctioning an efficient contract. This occurs because in going from the efficient contract to an inefficient (but almost...
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We analyze the allocation of priority in queues via simple bidding mechanisms. In our model, the stochastically arriving customers are privately informed about their own processing time. They make bids upon arrival at a queue whose length is unobservable. We consider two bidding schemes that...
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A criticism of mechanism design theory is that the optimal mechanism designed for one environment can produce drastically different actions, outcomes, and payoffs in a second, even slightly different, environment. In this sense, the theoretically optimal mechanisms usually studied are not...
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The majority of reverse auctions for procurement use a single-attribute (price) format while providing constraints on …
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In some mechanism design problems, finite-type spaces may be natural ones to consider, yet the current literature is dominated by analyses of continuous-type spaces. This probably derives from the intellectual dominance of the early work in this area. Here we present an analysis of the...
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-sharing contracts in procurement auctions, the scenarios where the buyer and suppliers may possess asymmetric information about the …
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An important managerial question is the choice of the pricing rule. We study whether this choice depends on the uncertainty about the number of participating bidders by comparing expected revenues under discriminatory and uniform pricing within an auction model with affiliated values, stochastic...
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