Showing 1 - 10 of 14
We consider the optimal production and inventory control of an assemble-to-order system with m components, one end-product, and n customer classes. A control policy specifies when to produce each component and, whenever an order is placed, whether or not to satisfy it from on-hand inventory. We...
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The only therapy for a patient with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) is liver transplantation, which is performed by using either a cadaveric liver from a deceased donor or a portion of a living-donor's liver. This study addresses the following decision problem for an ESLD patient with an...
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Many owners of growing privately held firms make operational and financial decisions in an effort to maximize the expected present value of the proceeds from an initial public offering (IPO). We ask: ÜWhat is the right time to make an IPO?Ý and ÜHow should operational and financial decisions...
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New start-up companies, which are considered to be a vital ingredient in a successful economy, have a different objective than established companies: They want to maximise their chance of long-term survival. We examine the implications for their operating decisions of this different criterion by...
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We consider a GI/M/s queuing system that is controlled by either accepting or rejecting arriving customers. Under weak conditions on the cost structure, Stidham (Stidham, S., Jr., 1978. Socially and individually optimal control of arrivals to a GI/M/1 queue. Management Sci. 24 1598--1610.)...
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We study how industry clockspeed, internal firm factors, such as product development, production, and inventory costs, and competitive factors determine a firm's optimal new-product introduction timing and product-quality decisions. We explicitly model market demand uncertainty, a firm's...
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A Markov model of sequential R&D investment, where successful firms are assumed to have an advantage in related follow-on R&D, is formulated and a solution approach is given. Under this assumption, profit maximizing firms must consider the effect of R&D investments on their future market...
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We address an assembly problem, motivated by flat panel display manufacturing, where the quality (or performance) of the final product depends upon characteristics of the components to be assembled, which are not constant from component to component. We analyze the tradeoff between the increase...
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For a system of finite queues, we study how servers should be assigned dynamically to stations in order to obtain optimal (or near-optimal) long-run average throughput. We assume that travel times between different service facilities are negligible, that each server can work on only one job at a...
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This note corrects an error in van Nunen and Puterman (van Nunen, J. A. E. E., M. L. Puterman. 1983. Computing optimal control limits for GI/M/s queueing systems with controlled arrivals. Management Sci. 29 725--734.) and extends some of their results to the average reward case.
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