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We conceptualize strategic decision-making processes within a manufacturing firm as streams of resources allocated to short- and long-term changes. The analogous ecological model, referred to as the Lotka-Volterra model, captures this dynamic tension between decisions made by the firm and its...
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We develop an algorithm that solves the constant capacities economic lot-sizing problem with concave production costs and linear holding in O(T<sup>3</sup>) time. The algorithm is based on the standard dynamic programming approach which requires the computation of the minimal costs for all possible...
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project members, or whether it is inevitable. Recent work in complexity theory suggests that a project might form a "rugged …
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solving LP problems which were randomly generated according to some predetermined distributions. 3. Complexity results …
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provide complexity results for the offline case, and perform competitive analysis for the online cases. A natural question of …
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of time) and high complexity (large number of variables and interactions; this leads to difficulty in assessing optimal … actions beforehand). There are two fundamental strategies to manage innovation with unforeseeable uncertainty and complexity … complexity. We build a model of a complex project with unforeseeable uncertainty, simulating problem solving as a local search on …
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Systems composed of activity choices that interact in nonsimple ways can allow firms to create and sustain a competitive advantage. However, in complex systems, decision makers may not always have a precise understanding of the exact strength of the interaction between activities. Likewise,...
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The literature on network effects has popularized a hypothesis that competition between incompatible technologies results in the "winner-take-all" outcome. For the survival of the firm in this sort of competition, the installed base has been emphasized. We argue that the validity of this...
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Organizations engage in search whenever they perform nonroutine tasks, such as the definition and validation of a new strategy, the acquisition of new capabilities, or new product development. Previous work on search and organizational hierarchy has discovered that a hierarchy with a central...
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interactions (problem complexity). In cross-functional problems, the brainstorming group exploits the competence diversity of its …
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