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the unbiased seller: the price decreases with the remaining inventory and increases with the time-to-go. Interestingly, we …
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Prior literature has shown that, for a symmetric information setting, supplier encroachment into a reseller's market can mitigate double marginalization and benefit both the supplier and the reseller. This paper extends the investigation of supplier encroachment to the environment where the...
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We propose a behavioral theory to predict actual ordering behavior in multi-location inventory systems. The theory … experimentally test the proposed theory in both the centralized and decentralized inventory structures using subjects motivated by … substantial nancial incentives. Consistent with the proposed theory, actual orders exhibit the so-called pull-to-center bias and …
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Unauthorized subcontracting — when suppliers outsource part of their production to a third party without the retailer's consent — has been common practice in the apparel industry and is often tied to non-compliant working conditions. Because retailers are unaware of the third party, the...
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We develop a theory that shows signaling a firm's fundamental quality (e.g., its operational capabilities) to lenders … through inventory transactions to be more efficient---it leads to less costly operational distortions---than signaling through … costs, market size, and inventory salvage value. Signaling through inventory being only tenable when inventory transactions …
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An important observation in supply chain management, known as the bullwhip effect, suggests that demand variability increases as one moves up a supply chain. In this paper we quantify this effect for simple, two-stage supply chains consisting of a single retailer and a single manufacturer. Our...
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median of inventory holding periods were reduced from 96 days to 81 days. The average rate of inventory reduction is about 2 …% per year. The greatest reduction was found for work-in-process inventory, which declined by about 6% per year. Finished …
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operational issue of quantity allocation between two uncertain suppliers and its effects on the inventory policies of the buyer …
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This paper studies how judicious resource allocation in networks mitigates risk. Theory is presented for general …, flexibility (e.g., inventory substitution), and sharing (commonality). In contrast to single-resource settings, risk … hedge and suggest rules of thumb for strategic placement of safety capacity and inventory in networks: (1) Risk pooling …
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This note deals with the joint replenishment problem with stochastic demands. A new class of policies called P(s, S) policy is proposed for this problem. The proposed policy uses independent, periodic review (s, S) policies for each item. Results on test problems show that the proposed policy is...
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