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With the rapid growth of e-commerce, agency selling is currently gaining popularity among online retailers (e-tailers). Prior research implicitly abstracts away cross-brand pass-through under traditional wholesale selling (i.e., how the retail price of another brand adjusts to changes in a given...
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Several studies have examined how the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard predicts changes in organizational outcomes such as profits. This is the first large-scale study to explore how employee outcomes such as employment, earnings, and health and safety change when employers adopt ISO...
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normal and Bernoulli frameworks lead to some surprising general insights regarding the impact of the dependence on the …
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Constructing decision- and risk-analysis probability models often requires measures of dependence among variables … assessing dependence. Our results lead to several conclusions: First, simply asking experts to report a correlation is a …
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multiplicative rule is that it does not allow the decision maker to model his beliefs about the dependence between his assessment and …
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Trace-driven (or correlated inspection) simulation means that the simulated and the real systems have some common inputs (say, historical arrival times) so that the two systems' outputs are cross-correlated. To validate such a simulation, this paper focuses on the difference between the average...
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combinations of the variables of interest. The approach eliminates the need to assess directly the dependence, or association … (indirectly) the dependence between the variables. …
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Using an unusually comprehensive database on 858 transactions for information technology products and accompanying services, we study how close partners who are exposed to opportunistic hazards structure and control a significant transaction. We analyze data on the terms of contracting to...
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This paper examines the relationship between product architecture, supply-chain performance metrics, and supply-chain efficiency. We model the contracting relationship between a supplier and a buyer. The supplier is privately informed about the outcome of his design/production investment. The...
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The paper proposes methods to measure the performance of research and development in new product development. We frame these measures in the context of evolving product families in the technology-based firm. Our goal is to more clearly understand the dynamics of platform renewal and derivative...
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