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In this paper we consider the weighted reward Markov decision process, with perturbation. The “weighted reward” refers to appropriately normalized convex combination of the discounted and the long-run average reward criteria. This criterion allows the controller to trade-off short-term costs...
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In this paper, Weighted reward Perturbed Markov Decision Processes with finite state and countable action spaces (semi-infinite WMDP for short) are considered. The ”weighted reward” refers to appropriately normalized convex combination of the discounted and the long-run average reward...
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In this paper weighted singularly perturbed hybrid stochastic systems are discussed. Under some reasonable assumptions, it is shown that there exists a uniformly δ-optimal policy when the perturbation is sufficiently small. Copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
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We consider the problem of the perturbation of a class of linear-quadratic differential games with piecewise deterministic dynamics, where the changes from one structure (for the dynamics) to another are governed by a finite-state Markov process. Player 1 controls the continuous dynamics,...
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In this paper, Discounted Markov Decision Processes with finite state and countable action set (semi-infinite DMDP for short) are considered. A policy improvement finite algorithm which finds a nearly optimal deterministic strategy is presented. The steps of the algorithm are based on the...
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Stochastic shortest path problems (SSPPs) have many applications in practice and are subject of ongoing research for many years. This paper considers a variant of SSPPs where times or costs to pass an edge in a graph are, possibly correlated, random variables. There are two general goals one can...
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This paper addresses an optimal inventory control in a supply chain in which customers arrive at a facility according to a Poisson process and the facility provides service which takes exponential amounts of time, using items supplied by an outside supplier with exponential lead time process....
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In this paper we consider a singularly perturbed Markov decision process with finitely many states and actions and the limiting expected average reward criterion. We make no assumptions about the underlying ergodic structure. We present algorithms for the computation of a uniformly optimal...
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Both the static and the dynamic single-leg revenue management problem are studied from the perspective of a risk-averse decision maker. Structural results well-known from the risk-neutral case are extended to the risk-averse case on the basis of an exponential utility function. In particular,...
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We consider the problem of control for continuous time stochastic hybrid systems in finite time horizon. The systems considered are nonlinear: the state evolution is a nonlinear function of both the control and the state. The control parameters change at discrete times according to an underlying...
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