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LetZ be a compact set of the real space ℜ with at leastn + 2 points;f,h1,h2:Z → ℜ continuous functions,h1,h2 strictly positive andP(x,z),x≔(x <Subscript>0</Subscript>,...,x <Subscript> n </Subscript>)<Superscript>τ</Superscript> ε ℜ<Superscript> n+1</Superscript>,z ε ℜ, a polynomial of degree at mostn. Consider a feasible setM ≔ {x ε ℜ<Superscript> n+1</Superscript>∣∀z εZ, −h <Subscript>2</Subscript>(z) ≤P(x,...</subscript></superscript></superscript></superscript></subscript></subscript>
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In this paper we study the (Berge) upper semicontinuity of a generic multifunction assigning to each parameter, in a metric space, a closed convex subset of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. A relevant particular case arises when we consider the feasible set mapping associated with a parametric...
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We give a generic regularity condition under which each weakly efficient decision making unit in the CCR model of data envelopment analysis is also CCR-efficient. Then we interpret the problem of finding maximal parameters which preserve efficiency of CCR-efficient DMUs under directional...
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We computationally assess policies for the elevator control problem by a new column-generation approach for the linear programming method for discounted infinite-horizon Markov decision problems. By analyzing the optimality of given actions in given states, we were able to provably improve the...
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The Minimum Power Multicast Problem arises in wireless sensor networks and consists in assigning a transmission power to each node of a network in such a way that the total power consumption over the network is minimized, while a source node is connected to a set of destination nodes, toward...
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It is not straightforward to find a new feasible solution when several conic constraints are added to a conic optimization problem. Examples of conic constraints include semidefinite constraints and second order cone constraints. In this paper, a method to slightly modify the constraints is...
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Manpower still is one of the most expensive resources, in spite of increasing automation. While employee scheduling and rostering has been the topic of extensive research over the past decades, usually it is assumed that the demand for staff is either given or can be obtained without difficulty....
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