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A pressure (density) and a corner no-slip boundary condition formulation are introduced for the two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method and numerically tested for the Hagen–Poiseuille flow case in this work. Both formulations are derived independently of the equilibrium distribution function...
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of real time simulation and control. In commercial FE simulation software often modal reduction is used to obtain a model … of lower order which allows for faster simulation. In recent years new methods to reduce large and sparse dynamical … systems emerged. This work concentrates on the reduction of certain FE systems arising in machine tool simulation with Krylov …
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In this note, we give a closed-form expression in terms of the Lambert W function for the quantile function of the Gompertz–Makeham distribution. This probability distribution has frequently been used to describe human mortality and to establish actuarial tables. The analytical expression...
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models, solve them and give simulation outputs. In this study, SolidWorks is used for solid modeling and assembly …
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first hits points in δZ for some δ>0. Central to our method is an algorithm for the exact simulation of τ, the first time …
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simplified and improved, thanks to the simulation of the entire system: the converter along with the lamp. This model also helps …
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The paper introduces an approach for the derivation of discrete time approximations for solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with time delay. The suggested approximations converge in a strong sense. Furthermore, explicit solutions for linear stochastic delay equations are given.
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In this paper, we study the size and power of various diagnostic statistics for univariate conditional heteroscedasticity models. These test statistics include the residual-based tests recently derived by Tse, Li and Mak, and Wooldridge, respectively. Monte-Carlo experiments with 1000...
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demonstrated. The paper contains examples of simulation results and considerations about the optimal values of the regarded …
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An explicit proof of a simple time-step propagation scheme is given in the framework of basic probability theory. It can be used in Monte Carlo simulations solving the Boltzmann transport equation. If the stochastically selected first scattering event occurs before a given time t1, the particle...
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