Showing 1 - 10 of 23
We address the problem of control and synchronization of a class of uncertain chaotic systems. Our approach follows … control to ensure perfect tracking and synchronization in presence of system uncertainty and external disturbance. Stability …
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This paper investigates the chaos synchronization problem for drive–response Chua's systems coupled with dead … synchronization even when the dead-zone nonlinearity is present. Computer simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of … the proposed synchronization scheme. …
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The stabilization problem of polytopic differential inclusion (PDI) systems is investigated by using sliding mode control. Sliding surface is designed and sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of sliding mode dynamics are derived. A novel feedback law is established to make the state of...
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In this paper, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based controller for single phase PWM boost rectifier is presented. The control is made up of an internal current control loop and external DC-link voltage control loop. The internal control loop allows active shaping of the line current and...
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This paper deals with the problem of controlling energy generation systems including fuel cells (FCs) and interleaved boost power converters. The proposed nonlinear adaptive controller is designed using sliding mode control (SMC) technique based on the system nonlinear model. The latter accounts...
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A hybrid intelligent control system that combines the theories of fuzzy logic and variable structure systems (VSS) is presented. This control architecture is viewed as a discrete event system (DES) and its properties are studied using the corresponding Petri Net diagram. The equivalence between...
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The application of modeling methods suitable for control and simulation of power electronic systems is outlined as a self-contained approach to solve the simulation and control problems of novel structures of power electronics converters. The straightforward non-linear modeling for controller...
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of a term of interaction that accounts for the difference of behaviors. We define a cost of synchronization based on a … imposed on the synchronized behavior. We prove that many systems can reach a regime of complete synchronization at a limited …, and a priory computable, cost. For identical systems, the cost of complete synchronization is zero. Some different systems …
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The paper combines theoretical analyses with computer simulation studies of spatiotemporal synchronization regimes …. The existence of linear invariant manifolds, defining different modes of spatiotemporal synchronization, is examined. The … set of possible modes of cluster synchronization is stated. The appearance and order of stabilization of the cluster …
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This paper investigates the generalized control and synchronization of chaotic dynamical systems. First, we show that … that is known as one of useful methods for controlling chaotic systems. Then we examine synchronization of identical …, if satisfied, guarantees that synchronization is asymptotically stable. The Rössler attractor and Chen system are used as …
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