Showing 1 - 10 of 29
soliton-induced acoustic resonances, by computing the nonlinear Fourier spectrum of a data set from a simulation of internal …
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The Lissajous transformation is extended to any finite combination of harmonic oscillators and for any resonance mode. An example shows how normalization after a Lissajous transformation leads to a geometric characterization of the reduced phase space.
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We discuss the evaluation of the stability, position and width of resonances in four-dimensional symplectic mappings …
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time evolution of such solitons is studied and is found to be similar to those obtained with previous simulation techniques …
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study the effects resulting from the combined action of chirality and non-linearity on optical solitons. The spatial … the numerical results show the chiral effects on solitons with circular and mixed polarization. …
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In this work, we present an analytic study of the compactons structures in a class of nonlinear dispersive equations. The compactons: new form of solitary waves with compact support and width independent of amplitude, are formally constructed. We further establish solitary patterns solutions for...
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We generalize the one-dimensional KdV equation for an inviscid incompressible irrotational fluid layer with free surface, finite depth, and finite boundary conditions. We study the nonlinear dynamics of a fluid of arbitrary depth in a bounded domain. By introducing a special relation between the...
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In this paper, we would give a broad set of sufficient conditions of systems of linear partial differential equations which guarantee that the Grammian determinant solves the KP (Kadomtsev–Petviashvili) equation in the bilinear form. A systematic analysis of linear partial differential...
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In this paper we study two generalized forms of the phi-four equation. Compactons: solitons with the absence of … infinite wings, conventional solitons: nonlinear localized waves with infinite support, solitary patterns solutions having …
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(n,n) equations. The focusing branch exhibits compactons: solitons with finite wave lengths, whereas the defocusing branch supports …
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