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individual heterogeneity in both intercepts and slope coefficients, and (iii) unbalanced panel data, i.e., panel data where the …
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In this paper, we consider the formulation and estimation of systems of regression equations with random individual effects in the intercept terms from unbalanced panel data, i.e., panel data where the individual time series have unequal length. Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimation and...
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This paper considers a sequence of discrete-time random walk markets with a single risky asset, and gives conditions for the existence of arbitrage opportunities or free lunches with vanishing risk, of the form of waiting to buy and selling the next period, with no shorting, and furthermore for...
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A maximum principle is proved for certain problems of continuous time stochastic control with hard end constraints, (end constraints satis_ed a.s.) After establishing a general theorem, the results are applied to problems where the state equation (di_erential equation) changes at certain...
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Many developed countries currently consider a move towards a universal child care program. The challenge in assessing the case for universal child care programs is that the evidence base is scarce. We analyze the staged expansion of subsidized, universally accessible child care in Norway. Our...
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heterogeneity. The impact of these factors on the nature of economic growth at the macro level is the point of departure of … structural change at the industry level is the short-run function capturing the underlying heterogeneity of the technologies of …
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Norwegian administrative data are used to evaluate the impact of a doubling of the threshold in the retirement earnings test. We find almost no impact on the extensive margin, but a positive effect on the intensive margin. This positive effect is uneven over the earnings distribution, and...
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and fourth-order polynomials on the other. Representing heterogeneity by cohort effects is compared with representing … heterogeneity by random and fixed individual effects. On the whole, the age coefficients in the estimated regressions are quite … sensitive to how heterogeneity is modeled. …
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A system of regression equations (SURE) for analyzing panel data with random heterogeneity in intercepts and …
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heterogeneity in decision making structures. The empirical estimation of the model is based on register data from Statistics Norway …
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