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A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology is developed for estimating the stochastic conditional duration model. The conditional mean of durations between trades is modelled as a latent stochastic process, with the conditional distribution of durations having positive support. The sampling...
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Optimal probabilistic forecasts of integer-valued random variables are derived. The optimality is achieved by estimating the forecast distribution nonparametrically over a given broad model class and proving asymptotic efficiency in that setting. The ideas are demonstrated within the context of...
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In this paper, we study semiparametric estimation for a single-index panel data model where the nonlinear link function varies among the individuals. We propose using the refined minimum average variance estimation method to estimate the parameter in the single-index. As the cross-section...
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In this paper, we consider semiparametric estimation in a partially linear single-index panel data model with fixed effects. Without taking the difference explicitly, we propose using a semiparametric minimum average variance estimation (SMAVE) based on a dummy-variable method to remove the...
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A semiparametric fixed effects model is introduced to describe the nonlinear trending phenomenon in panel data analysis and it allows for the cross-sectional dependence in both the regressors and the residuals. A pooled semiparametric profile likelihood dummy variable approach based on the...
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The object of this paper is to produce non-parametric maximum likelihood estimates of forecast distributions in a general non-Gaussian, non-linear state space setting. The transition densities that define the evolution of the dynamic state process are represented in parametric form, but the...
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In this paper, we consider a model selection issue in semiparametric panel data models with fixed effects. The modelling framework under investigation can accommodate both nonlinear deterministic trends and cross-sectional dependence. And we consider the so-called "large panels" where both the...
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