Showing 1 - 10 of 32
The returns to hedge funds and other alternative investments are often highly serially correlated in sharp contrast to the returns of more traditional investment vehicles such as long-only equity portfolios and mutual funds. In this paper, we explore several sources of such serial correlation...
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The popular perception is that hedge funds follow a reasonably well defined market-neutral investment style. While this long-short investment strategy may have characterized the first hedge funds, today hedge funds are a reasonably heterogeneous group. They are better defined in terms of their...
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Hedge fund managers are compensated via management fees on the assets under management (AUM) and incentive fees indexed to the high-water mark (HWM). We study the effects of managerial skills (alpha) and compensation on dynamic leverage choices and the valuation of fees and investors' payoffs....
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The financial crisis of 2008 highlights the importance of detecting crowded trades due to the risks they pose to the stability of the financial system and to the global economy. However, there is a perception that crowded trades are difficult to identify. To date, no single measure to capture...
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Background and Empirical Predictions -- The Event Study Methodology -- Data, Full Sample and Variable Construction -- Difference in Abnormal Short Selling Activity Following Events of Large Positive Stock Price Changes -- Difference in Information Content of Extreme Short Selling Activity Events...
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Einführung -- Ausgangslage für das Performance Measurement in Nonprofit-Betrieben -- Idee und Entwicklungsstufen des Performance Measurement -- Stand des Performance Measurement in Nonprofit-Organisationen aus empirischer Sicht -- Performance Measurement aus theoretischer Sicht --...
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Do we really know the critical phenomena that are linked to how enterprises function and the dynamics of their relationships with customers, suppliers and competitors? Are their decision-making processes founded upon a set of performance measurements that were accurately designed and...
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Das Beschaffungsmanagement steht vor der Herausforderung sich wandelnder Aufgabenfelder. Diese haben ihre Ursache u. a. in neuen Technologien und Ressourcenverknappungen. Die zur Erfolgsmessung eingesetzten modernen Kennzahlensysteme, die als Performance Measurement-Systeme bezeichnet werden,...
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Wichtige Ansätze des Performance Measurements und Managements -- Parameter zur Gestaltung des Wandels und des Veränderungsprozesses -- Vierstufiges Vorgehenskonzept zur Entwicklung und Implementierung eines PMM-Systems inklusive Bestimmung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Kennzahlen --...
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Companies are what they measure and the selection of good performance indicators is not an easy process. This monograph suggests how to identify indicators that achieve a balance in these effects and enhance long-term profitability. It focuses on the designing of a Performance Measurement System...
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