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theory for this estimator to gauge its accuracy. The SPD estimator provides an arbitrage-free method of pricing new, more …
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We show how to use conditioning information optimally to construct a sharper unconditional Hansen-Jagannathan (1991) bound. The approach in this paper is different from that of Gallant, Hansen and Tauchen (1990), but both approaches yield the same bound when the conditional moments are known....
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We perform maximum likelihood estimation of a model of international asset pricing based on CAPM. We test the … restrictions imposed by CAPM against a more general asset pricing model. The quot;betasquot; in our CAPM vary over time from two … estimate. We find that the model in which the CAPM restrictions are imposed (which involve cross-equation constraints between …
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A Bayesian approach is used to investigate a sample's information about a portfolio's degree of inefficiency. With standard diffuse priors, posterior distributions for measures of portfolio inefficiency can concentrate well away from values consistent with efficiency, even when the portfolio is...
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Short-rebate fees are a strong predictor of the cross-section of stock returns, both gross and net of fees. We document a large "shorting premium": the cheap-minus-expensive-to-short (CME) portfolio of stocks has a monthly average gross return of 1.43%, a net return of 0.91%, and a 1.53%...
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When excess returns are used to estimate linear stochastic discount factor (SDF) models, researchers often adopt a normalization of the SDF that sets its mean to 1, or one that sets its intercept to 1. These normalizations are often treated as equivalent, but they are subtly different both in...
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break the CAPM beta of a stock with the market portfolio into two components, one reflecting news about the market's future … cash flows and one reflecting news about the market's discount rates. Intertemporal asset pricing theory suggests that the … this can explain their higher average returns. The poor performance of the CAPM since 1963 is explained by the fact that …
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The stochastic discount factor (SDF) method provides a unified general framework for econometric analysis of asset pricing models. It has recently been pointed out that the generality of the SDF method may come at the cost of estimation efficiency. We show that there is no need for this concern....
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