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period 1987-2001, we find that the substantial immigration of the 1990's had no adverse effects on native wages and …We adopt a general equilibrium approach in order to measure the effects of recent immigration on the Western German … 'flexible' as the UK labor market, it would be more efficient in dealing with the effects of immigration …
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The theory of factor demand has important implications for the study of the impact of immigration on wages. This paper … theory can be used to check the plausibility of the many contradictory claims that appear throughout the immigration …
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Germany experienced an even deeper fall in GDP in the Great Recession than the United States, with little employment …
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This paper estimates the effects of immigration on wages of native workers at the national U.S. level. Following Borjas … evaluate the competition as well as cross-skill complementary effects of immigrants on wages. We also emphasize the importance … account for the short run and long run adjustment of capital in response to immigration. Using our estimates and Census data …
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Immigration is often viewed as a proximate cause of the rising wage gap between high- and low-skilled workers … involved. This paper offers an overview and synthesis of existing knowledge on the relationship between immigration and … imperfect substitutes. Together these results imply that the impacts of recent immigrant inflows on the relative wages of U …
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Although economic theory predicts an inverse relation between relative wages and immigration-induced supply shifts, it … wages in specific labor markets, little variation remains in the immigrant share. We find significant sampling error in this … increase existing estimates of the wage impact of immigration …
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correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates. As immigrants … same time, the incarceration rate of black men rose markedly. This paper examines the relation between immigration and …
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immigration shock, existing research has found little evidence that it put downward pressure on Israeli wages. In this paper we …In the early 1990s Israel experienced a large and concentrated surge of immigration from the former Soviet Union. Most … immigration inflow: the adoption of global changes in production technology, and national changes in the mix of traded goods …
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We use longitudinal data from the income tax system to study the impacts of firms’ employment and wage-setting policies on the level and change in immigrant-native wage differences in Canada. We focus on immigrants who arrived in the early 2000s, distinguishing between those with and without a...
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between job tenure, wages and mobility. Both "job duration dependence" and "heterogeneity bias" are implied by this theory …
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