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continue to hold even if the coefficient of relative risk aversion approaches zero (that is, even if the marginal utility of … income is constant so that agents are risk neutral in the conventional sense) …
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. We show that agents who maximize a GEU exhibit first order risk aversion and tend to refrain from di- versification in … risk aversion increases the threshold of yields leading to diversification, shifting the cone of diversification upwards … given domestic yield. Ceteris paribus, greater downside risk aversion reduces the feasible hetero- geneity of normalized …
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This paper shows that volatility induces adverse first order welfare effects in countries excluded from the global capital market. This result is illustrated in a model characterized by gains from a greater division of activities, where shocks are persistent. We show that non-linearities...
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This paper studies the impact of aid volatility in a two-period model where production may occur with either a traditional or a modern technology. Public spending is productive and quot;time to buildquot; requires expenditure in both periods for the modern technology to be used. The possibility...
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This paper presents a model comparing the degree of asset class diversification abroad by a central bank and a sovereign wealth fund. We show that if the central bank manages its foreign asset holdings in order to meet balance of payments needs, particularly in reducing the probability of sudden...
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The goal of this paper is to investigate the factors determining the impact of exchange rate regimes on the behavior of domestic investment and foreign direct investment (FDI), and the correlation between exchange rate volatility and investment. We assume that producers may diversify...
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even for risk neutral multinationals, as their profit function is non-linear due to price and productivity effects. For …
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