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This paper is an attempt to assess the existence and magnitude of local research spillovers in France. We rely on the model of an extended production function (Cobb-Douglas and Translog) with both local and neighborhood Ramp;D capital stocks. We estimate this model on 312 employment areas as of...
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In this study, we investigate what are the factors of the promotion of female and male scientists at the French Institute of Physics (INP) at CNRS, one of the largest European public research organizations. We construct a long panel of INP physicists combining various data sources on their...
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The identification of age, cohort (vintage), and period (year) effects in a panel of individuals or other units is an old problem in the social sciences, but one that has not been much studied in the context of measuring researcher productivity. In the context of a semi-parametric model of...
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In a companion study to that of Griliches and Mairesse for the United States, we have investigated the relationship between output, labor, and physical and R&D capital during the 1972-1977 period for a sample of 182 R&D performing firms in the French nnufacturing industries. Our results are...
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This paper compares the role innovation plays in productivity across the four European countries France, Germany, Spain … and the UK using firm-level data from the internationally harmonized Community Innovation Surveys (CIS3). Despite a … still rare. We apply a structural model that describes the link between Ramp;D expenditure, innovation output and …
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presents some empirical evidence on the effects of innovation on employment growth and therefore on firms' productivity with … stemming from process innovation. The sources of employment growth during the period are split equally between the net … contribution of product innovation and the net contribution from sales growth of old products. However, the contribution of product …
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This paper studies the impact of process and product innovations introduced by firms on employment growth in these firms. A simple model that relates employment growth to process innovations and to the growth of sales separately due to innovative and unchanged products is developed and estimated...
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innovation and knowledge management and their impact on performance at the firm level for a number of countries. These studies … have been conducted using data drawn from innovation surveys combined with data from a number of other sources. The issue … illustrates the value of these surveys in improving our understanding of innovation in firms and raises a number of questions for …
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Innovation in SMEs exhibits some peculiar features that most traditional indicators of innovation activity do not … capture. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a structural model of innovation which incorporates information on innovation … both process and product innovation. Both these kinds of innovation have a positive impact on firm's productivity …
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This paper introduces dynamics in the R&D-to-innovation and innovation-to-productivity relationships, which have mostly … individual effects and idiosyncratic errors correlated across equations and that differ in the way innovation enters the … Community Innovation Survey. The results provide evidence of robust unidirectional causality from innovation to productivity and …
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