Showing 1 - 10 of 13
solution of the wage-setting problem under uncertainty allows one to analyze the effects of the monetary regime on welfare …
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What idiosyncratic consumption risks can countries trade away on international asset markets? This paper develops an empirical methodology for answering the question. The tests are based on the proposition that in an integrated world asset market with representative national agents, the ex post...
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This paper is a highly selective review of our knowledge about the scope for sterilized intervention in foreign exchange markets under alternative exchange-rate regimes. Section I demonstrates the potential importance of simultaneous-equations bias in single-equation econometric studies of the...
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may also enhance international risk sharing …
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external balance become more difficult to apply when countries face credit rationing as a result of nonrepayment risk …
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empirically controversial. We apply theory and empirics to the interwar data and find strong support for the logic of the trilemma …
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, possibly due to lack of perfect arbitrage in the presence of transaction costs and uncertainty. More than eighty years ago …
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This paper examines the short-run relation between anticipated inflation and the real rate of interest in a model where agents with perfect foresight maximize utility over infinite lifetimes. In addition to deriving behavioral functions from explicit intertemporal optimization, the approach...
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Prevalent thinking about liquidity traps suggests that the perfect substitutability of money and bonds at a zero short-term nominal interest rate renders open-market operations ineffective for achieving macroeconomic stabilization goals. In an earlier paper, we showed that this reasoning does...
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This paper presents a long-run model of the open economy in a world of fixed exchange rates and imperfect substitutability between bonds denominated in different currencies. The model explicitly accounts for the wealth flow accompanying current-account imbalance and for the flow of interest...
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