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productivity parameter, class size is a component of school quality, households are heterogeneous in income and hence willingness … to pay for school quality, and schools are subject to a class-size cap. The model offers an explanation for two distinct … approach in settings in which parents have substantial school choice and schools are free to set prices and influence their …
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of assessing the impact of education quality, the teacher contribution to pupils' achievement and the effect of school …
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randomized outcomes from a school choice lottery to examine if lottery outcomes affect voting behavior in a school board election … participate in the lottery. We find that losing the school choice lottery caused an increase in voter turnout among whites, while …
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With few exceptions, empirical research investigating the possibility of heterogeneous benefits of class size reduction lacks a conceptual framework about specific dimensions of potential heterogeneity. In this paper we develop a model of education production that incorporates disruption and...
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by lowering class size. The theory provides a measurable and operational way to define school quality that can be tested … successes, public school incentives differ from those of private schools …
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and school-by-grade fixed effects in addition to observable family and school characteristics. The analysis also addresses …. Moreover, students throughout the school test score distribution appear to benefit from higher achieving schoolmates. On the …
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To study the effects of ability grouping on school competition, we develop a theoretical and computational model of …
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evidence, and simple least squares evidence, suggests that after 20-plus years of economic reform with market orientation, the …
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We investigate, using plant-level data for 79 developed and developing countries, whether differences in the allocation of resources across heterogeneous plants are a significant determinant of cross-country differences in income per worker. For this purpose, we use a standard version of the...
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We study the determinants of vertical integration in a new dataset of over 750,000 firms from 93 countries. Existing evidence suggests the presence of large cross-country differences in the organization of firms, which may be related to differences in financial development, contracting costs or...
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