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One explanation advanced for the persistent gender pay differences in labor markets is that women avoid salary … environments where the 'rules of wage determination' are ambiguous. This leads to the gender gap being much more pronounced in jobs …
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available technology. Our theory suggests that European education policies that favored specialized, vocational education might …In this paper, we develop a model of technology adoption and economic growth in which households optimally obtain … either a concept-based, general' education or a skill-specific, vocational' education. General education is more costly to …
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be correlated with both job-related computer use and earnings. The estimates suggest that workers who use computers on … education, Finally, occupations that experienced greater growth in computer use between 1984 and 1989 also experienced above …
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different education levels and on the recent growth of U.S. educational wage differentials. A simple supply-demand framework is … used to interpret changes in the relative quantities, wages, and wage bill shares of workers by education in the aggregate … computer technology may `explain' as much as 30-50% of the increase in the rate of growth of the relative demand for more …
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Computers are an important part of modern education, yet many schoolchildren lack access to a computer at home. We test … computers to students. Although computer ownership and use increased substantially, we find no effects on any educational … evidence showing no change in homework time or other "intermediate" inputs in education …
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interpretation of the computer-use wage differential as reflecting productivity effects arising from the introduction of computers in …
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-designed technology-aided instruction programs can sharply improve productivity in delivering education …We present experimental evidence on the impact of a personalized technology-aided after-school instruction program on …
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In an experiment in non-formal schools in Indian slums, a reward scheme for attending a target number of school days increased average attendance when the scheme was in place, but had heterogeneous effects after it was removed. Among students with high baseline attendance, the incentive had no...
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We show that three Colombian conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs for secondary schools improve educational outcomes eight and 12 years after random assignment relative to a control group. Forcing families to save a portion of the transfers until they make enrollment decisions for the next...
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a traditional classroom. While this new technology has revolutionized how most teachers plan their lessons, the …
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