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We study response behavior of New York City parking-ticket recipients by analyzing administrative data on 6.6 million …
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This paper studies the determinants of mismatch in educational attainment. Mismatch arises when high ability individuals do not obtain a college degree and/or low ability individuals do. Using data from the NLSY97 survey, the paper estimates a structural model of education choice that matches...
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Macroeconomic models often incorporate some form of wage stickiness to help account for employment fluctuations. However, a recent literature calls in to question this approach, citing evidence of new hire wage cyclicality from panel data studies as evidence for contractual wage flexibility for...
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This paper develops a framework for estimating preferences in two-sided matching markets with non-transferable utility … with many-to-one matching. These methods allow me to investigate two issues concerning the centralized market for medical … increasing the number of residents training in rural areas while accounting for general equilibrium effects from the matching …
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Income disparity across countries has been large and widening over time. We develop a tractable model where factor requirements in production technology do not necessarily match a country's factor input profile. Appropriate assimilation of frontier technologies balances such multi-dimensional...
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Why is unemployment higher for younger individuals? We address this question in a frictional model of the labor market that features learning about occupational fit. In order to learn the occupation in which they are most productive, workers sample occupations over their careers. Because young...
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workers are employed in more productive industries. The evidence confirms assortative matching can be present even when worker …
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search and matching model that incorporates noisy signals about the quality of a worker-firm match, we show that improved …
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It is often argued that informal labor markets in developing countries promote growth by reducing the impact of regulation. On the other hand informality may reduce the amount of social protection offered to workers. We extend the wage-posting framework of Burdett and Mortensen (1998) to allow...
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) Improved Stochastic Ranking Evolution Strategy (ISRES), (iii) Multi-Level Single-Linkage (MLSL) algorithm, (iv) Stochastic … versions of TikTak, which is a multistart global optimization algorithm used in some recent economic applications. For … completeness, we add three popular local algorithms to the comparison—the Nelder-Mead downhill simplex algorithm, the Derivative …
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