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The paper uses bank- and instrument-level data on asset holdings and liabilities to identify and estimate a general … equilibrium model of trade in financial instruments. Bilateral ties are formed as each bank selects the size and the … lead to less amplification of partial equilibrium shocks, (ii) the influence of a bank's equity is independent of the size …
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to individual banks in the Merton tradition (1974) as a combination put option for the deep tail of bank losses and a … knock-in stop-loss call on bank assets. This model expresses the value of taxpayer loss exposure from a string of defaults … the face value of the debt of the entire sector. We conceive of an individual bank's systemic risk as its contribution to …
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This paper models and estimates ex ante safety-net benefits at a sample of large banks in US and Europe during 2003-2008. Our results suggest that difficult-to-fail and unwind (DFU) banks enjoyed substantially higher ex ante benefits than other institutions. Safety-net benefits prove...
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the size of the economy, (2) the association between an increase in economic output and an increase in bank development …
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In the last two decades the European financial markets have become more market oriented. We analyze the economic and political forces that have triggered these changes as well as their likely welfare implications. We also try to assess whether this trend will continue. Based on our analysis, we...
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on solvent banks leading to bank panics. But financial crises of the last two decades have not fit the mold. A new …
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, raising credit terms to their borrowers. The picture that emerges from these findings looks less like a traditional bank run …
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Over the last three decades there has been a dramatic increase in the size of the financial sector and in the compensation of financial executives. This increase has been associated with greater risk-taking and the use of more complex financial instruments. Parallel to this trend, the...
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urban growth. Our estimates suggest that the presence of a bank at a given location in the late 1830s is associated with …
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We thank Lakshmi Aiyar, Shawn Cole, Stijn Claessens, Oded Galor, Adair Morse, Mark Rosenzweig, Jeremy Stein, as well as participants in seminars at the IMF, the NBER Political Economy, Corporate Finance, and Growth Workshops, M.I.T., Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, the WFA...
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