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This paper estimates the effects of friends' health behaviors, smoking and drinking, on own health behaviors for adolescents while controlling for the effects of correlated unobservables between those friends. Specifically, the effect of friends' health behaviors is identified by comparing...
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We develop and analyze a tractable empirical model for strategic network formation that can be estimated with data from … a single network at a single point in time. We model the network formation as a sequential process where in each period …, the characteristics of the potential partner, and on features of the current state of the network, such as whether the two …
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organising its national road systems. I then construct a novel dataset of local network inefficiency and I find that colonial …
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network. The two measures are highly correlated, and show a wide range of networks available to consumers. We then estimate … consumer willingness-to-pay for network breadth, which varies by age. 60-year-olds value the broadest network approximately … $1200-1400/year more than the narrowest network, while 30-year-olds value it about half as much. Consumers place additional …
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We study the direct and spillover effects of local state capacity using the network of Colombian municipalities. We … model the determination of local and national state capacity as a network game in which each municipality, anticipating the … (using GMM, simulated GMM or maximum likelihood). To do so we exploit both the structure of the network of municipalities …
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linked fields. Our analysis uses 1.8 million U.S. patents and their citation properties to map the innovation network and its … strength. Past innovation network structures are calculated using citation patterns across technology classes during 1975 …-1994. The interaction of this pre-existing network structure with patent growth in upstream technology fields has strong …
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setting with data from experiments involving members of a single connected network. The class includes null hypotheses that … have no effect. We also consider hypotheses concerning the validity of sparsification of a network (for example based on …
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Should China build mega-cities or a network of linked middle-sized metropolises? Can Europe's mid-sized cities compete …
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We develop a theoretical model of security investments in a network of interconnected agents. Network connections … strategic substitutes. In a general (non-symmetric) network, this implies that underinvestment by some agents will encourage … symmetric or locally tree-like. We also characterize the impact of network structure on equilibrium and optimal investments …
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financial institutions. Focusing on a multi sector economy linked through a supply network, we show how structural properties of … the supply network determine both whether aggregate volatility disappears as the number of sectors increases (i … aggregate output from its mean) to sector-specific volatility and to the structural properties of the supply network …
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