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We look into the impact of measurement error in capital on the estimation of production functions. We introduce an identification scheme and an estimation procedure that jointly deals with measurement error in capital and the standard simultaneity bias due to unobserved productivity shocks. We...
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Some aspects of the econometric estimation of production functions are discussed, focussing primarily on the issue of simultaneity and reviewing the stream of criticisms of Douglas' work and the response to it. We look in particular at the work that uses panel data on micro data for plants or...
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We examine the extent to which infant health production functions are sensitive to model specification and measurement error. We focus on the importance of typically unobserved but theoretically important variables (TUVs), other non-standard covariates (NSCs), input reporting, and...
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We estimate separate productions functions for approximately 450 manufacturing firms each in France and the United States and for 850 manufacturing firms in Japan, covering the 13 year period 1967-1979, and focus on the wide dispersion in the estimated slope coefficients in all three countries....
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Technological change and deregulation have caused a major restructuring of the telecommunications equipment industry over the last two decades. We estimate the parameters of a production function for the equipment industry and then use those estimates to analyze the evolution of plant level...
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Several econometric models for the analysis of relationships with limited dependent variables have been proposed, including the probit, Tobit, two-limit probit, ordered discrete, and friction models. Widespread application of these methods has been hampered by the lack of suitable computer...
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Several econometric models for the analysis of relationships with limited dependent variables have been proposed, including the probit, Tobit, two-limit probit, ordered discrete, and friction models. Widespread application of these methods has been hampered by the lack of suitable computer...
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We benchmark seven global optimization algorithms by comparing their performance on challenging multidimensional test functions as well as a method of simulated moments estimation of a panel data model of earnings dynamics. Five of the algorithms are taken from the popular NLopt open-source...
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We have seen in the past decade a sharp increase in the extent that companies use data to optimize their businesses. Variously called the `Big Data' or `Data Science' revolution, this has been characterized by massive amounts of data, including unstructured and nontraditional data like text and...
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In this paper we develop measures of economic capacity output and economic capacity utilization for firms producing multiple outputs and having one or .ore quasi-fixed inputs. Although we produce an impossibility theorem showing that based only on the assumption of cost minimization, the concept...
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