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How does an FDI project affect local firms in the same industry? Competition in thequot; product and factor markets tends to reduce profits of local firms, but linkage effects to supplierquot; industries may reduce input costs and raise profits. This paper develops an analytical frameworkquot;...
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The US health care sector is large and growing - health care spending in 2011 amounted to $2.7 trillion and 18% of GDP. Approximately half of health care output is allocated via markets. In this paper, we analyze the industrial organization literature on health care markets focusing on the...
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The paper considers conceptual issues underlying empirical work on markets. It has three parts. The first reviews the analysis of demand and equilibrium in retail markets and then considers recent advances in the analysis of markets which require different assumptions; markets where adverse...
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We present a new class of methods for identification and inference in dynamic models with serially correlated unobservables, which typically imply that state variables are econometrically endogenous. In the context of Industrial Organization, these state variables often reflect econometrically...
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We review approaches to identification and inference on models in Industrial Organization with partial identification and/or moment inequalities. Often, such approaches are intentionally built directly on assumptions of optimizing behavior that are credible in Industrial Organization settings,...
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implementation of the theory in open-economy environments and its implications for the international organization of production and … property-rights theory. Along the way, I develop novel theoretical results and also outline some of the key limitations of …
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Models of consumer behavior play a key role in modern empirical Industrial Organization. In this paper, I survey some of the models used in this literature. In particular, I discuss two commonly used demand systems: multi-stage budgeting approaches and discrete choice models. I motivate their...
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This paper studies the effects of marketing choice to firm growth. I assume that firm-level growth is the result of idiosyncratic productivity improvements with continuous arrival of new potential producers. A firm enters a market if it is profitable to incur the marginal cost to reach the first...
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What is the nature of the industrial organization of the market for physician services? Is the market 'competitive?' Are there pareto-relevant market failures, such that there is room for welfare improving policies? Economists have devoted a great deal of attention to this market, but it remains...
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We present a model of industry evolution where the dynamics are driven by a process of endogenous innovations, followed by subsequent embodiments in physical capital. Traditionally, the only distinction between R&D and physical investment was one of labeling: the first process accumulates an...
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