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The Great Recession from December 2007 to June 2009 is associated with a dramatic weakening of the labor market from which, by some measures, it has not completely recovered. I use data from the Displaced Workers Survey (DWS) from 1984-2014 to investigate the incidence and consequences of job...
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We compare patterns of unemployment and joblessness between Canada and the U.S. during the Great Recession. Similar to … previous findings for the U.S. in Kroft et al. [2016], we document a rise in long-term unemployment in Canada. This increase is … us to model duration dependence in all labor force flows involving either unemployment or non-participation. To calibrate …
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In response to the Great Recession, the availability of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits was extended to an … individual exit from unemployment, and we compare the estimated impact with that for the prior extension of benefits during the … unemployment exit rate and a small increase in the expected duration of unemployment. The effects on exits and duration are …
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Job polarization refers to the shrinking share of employment in middle-skill, routine occupations experienced recently, over the last 35 years. Jobless recoveries refers to the slow rebound in aggregate employment following recent recessions, despite recoveries in aggregate output. We show how...
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conventional measure of the unemployment rate (that is, the number of individuals who are not working at all and actively searching … working part time who want a full-time job) and the extent of hidden unemployment (that is, people who are not actively ….S. labor market slack and show that underemployment and hidden unemployment currently account for the bulk of the U …
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analyze data from the SIPP and find that the wages for new hires coming from unemployment are no more cyclical than those of …
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This paper develops new estimates of flows into and out of unemployment that allow for unobserved heterogeneity across … workers as well as direct effects of unemployment duration on unemployment-exit probabilities. Unlike any previous paper in … shocks to the short-run, medium-run, and long-run variance of unemployment as well as to specific historical episodes. We …
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What is the driving force behind the cyclical behavior of unemployment and vacancies? What is the relation between job … unemployment rises. The model thus explains volatility in equity and labor markets, and the relation between the two …
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employment growth rates across sectors (G) and the unemployment rate implies that shifts in demand from some sectors to others … are responsible for a substantial fraction of cyclical variation in unemployment. This paper demonstrates that, under … the unemployment rate. Two tests are developed which permit one to distinquish between a pure sectoral shift …
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Fluctuations in the equilibrium rate of unemployment can only be understood within a theory of the natural or … equilibrium rate. It is not enough to say that unemployment is the difference between supply and demand in the labor market … themselves better off. At the equilibrium unemployment rate, employers cannot obtain labor at lower cost by offering work at …
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