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We analyze the optimal dynamic policy of an antitrust authority towards horizontal mergers when merger proposals are … endogenous and occur over time. Approving a currently proposed merger will affect the profitability and welfare effects of … surplus by using a completely myopic merger review policy that approves a merger today if and only if it does not lower …
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merger wave. The evidence indicates that the efficiency of the majority of acquiring firms increases following an acquisition …. Based on the parameter estimates, we calculate merger welfare effects. We find that total welfare increased by $583 …
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Recent tobacco regulations proposed by the Food and Drug Administration have raised a thorny question: how should the cost-benefit analysis accompanying such policies value foregone consumer surplus associated with regulation-induced reductions in smoking? In a model with rational and fully...
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The welfare gain to consumers from the introduction of personal computers is estimated here. A simple model of consumer demand is formulated that uses a slightly modified version of standard preferences. The modification permits marginal utility, and hence total utility, to be finite when the...
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specification of a positive theory for why agents fail to optimize with respect to tax policies …
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We study optimal merger policy in a dynamic model in which the presence of scale economies implies that firms can … the period the merger is proposed. We also find that the ability to commit can lead to a significant welfare improvement …
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, average HMO premiums are estimated to be 3.2% higher than they would have been absent any hospital merger activity during the …
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Applying principles of merger evaluation to the health care industry in general, and to hospital markets in particular …
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approximation for the market power effect of a merger. We also provide conditions under which a merger raises consumer surplus, and … conditions under which a myopic, consumer-surplus-based merger approval policy is dynamically optimal. Finally, we study the … aggregate surplus and external effects of a merger …
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Concentration-based screens for horizontal mergers, such as those employed in the US DOJ and FTC Horizontal Merger … Guidelines, play a central role in merger analysis. However, the basis for these screens, in both form and level, remains unclear …
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