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This paper uses the National Comorbidity Survey - Replication to estimate the effects of recent psychiatric disorder on employment, hours worked, and earnings. We employ methods proposed in Altonji, Elder and Taber (2005) which use selection on observable traits to provide information regarding...
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intervention also improved worker satisfaction and reduced stress levels, without affecting the quality of the loan officers …
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This paper studies how in utero exposure to maternal stress from family ruptures affects later mental health. We find … fetal stress from family ruptures and possibly from economically induced stressors such as unemployment. They further … suggest that greater stress exposure among the poor may partially explain the intergenerational persistence of poverty …
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In many education and work environments, economic agents must perform several mental tasks in a short period of time. As with physical fatigue, it is likely that cognitive fatigue can occur and affect performance if a series of mental tasks are scheduled close together. In this paper, we...
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We find that veterans of the Union Army who faced greater wartime stress (as measured by higher battlefield mortality … statistically significantly less likely to be affected by wartime stress. Our results hold for overall mortality, mortality from …-run health follow-ups of the interaction between stress and social networks in a human population in which both stress and social …
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-utero child, we know little about the effects of psychological stresses. One clear form of stress to the mother comes from the …
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of results is also consistent with a significant role for stress in generating long-term health consequences after job …
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A potential contributor to socioeconomic disparities in academic performance is the difference in the level of stress … experienced by students outside of school. Chronic stress – due to neighborhood violence, poverty, or family instability – can … affect how individuals' bodies respond to stressors in general, including the stress of standardized testing. This, in turn …
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A substantial literature has examined the impact of stress during early childhood on later-life health. This paper … contributes to that literature by examining the later-life health impact of stress during adolescence and early adulthood, using a … novel proxy for stress: risk of military induction during the Vietnam War. We estimate that a 10 percentage point (2 …
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We study how maternal stress affects offspring outcomes. We find that in-utero exposure to elevated levels of the … stress hormone cortisol negatively affects offspring cognition, health and educational attainment. These findings are based … literature linking exogenous exposure to stress hormones in-utero with declines in offspring cognitive, behavioral and motor …
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