Showing 1 - 10 of 692
are correlated. However, because correlation may occur across more than one dimension, this motivation makes it difficult …. In this paper, we argue that clustering is in essence a design problem, either a sampling design or an experimental … design issue. It is a sampling design issue if sampling follows a two stage process where in the first stage, a subset of …
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We examine the small sample properties of the GMM estimator for models of covariance structures, where the technique is … simulated data and on the data used by Abowd and Card (1987, 1990) in an examination of the covariance structure of hours and … sampling errors in the second moments are correlated with sampling errors in the weighting matrix used by OMD. Furthermore, OMD …
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We develop a model for decomposing the covariance structure of panel data on firms into a part due to permanent …, compensation and capital is dominated by the part due to initial heterogeneity and random growth rates. Serial correlation in the …
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We propose a portmanteau test for serial correlation of the error term in a fixed effects model. The test is derived as …
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instrumental variables that are assumed to be uncorrelated with unobservables. We instead assume (i) the correlation between the … instrument and the error term has the same sign as the correlation between the endogenous regressor and the error term, and (ii …
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data from three panel surveys,we catalogue the main features of the covariance structure of changes in earnings and hours …-wage labor contract model. Our major findings are:(1) there is a remarkable similarity in the covariance structure of earnings … and hours changes across the three surveys; and (2) apart from simple measurement error, the major component of variance …
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We develop inference methods about long-run comovement of two time series. The parameters of interest are defined in terms of population second-moments of lowfrequency trends computed from the data. These trends are similar to low-pass filtered data and are designed to extract variability...
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Many applications in financial economics use data series with different starting or ending dates. This paper describes estimation methods, based on the generalized method of moments (GMM), which make use of all available data for each moment condition. We introduce two asymptotically equivalent...
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particular, we measure the additional effects of the randomness of the sampling intervals over and beyond those due to the … discreteness of the data. We also examine the effect of simply ignoring the sampling randomness. We find that in many situations … the randomness of the sampling has a larger impact than the discreteness of the data …
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Recent work by Said and Dickey (1984 ,1985) , Phillips (1987), and Phillips and Perron(1988) examines tests for unit roots in the autoregressive part of mixed autoregressive-integrated-moving average (ARIHA) models (tests for stationarity). Monte Carlo experiments show that these unit root tests...
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