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in place of the HDI. Indeed, in the World Values Survey, only one other country (Iceland) has a significantly higher …
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probability distributions. This paper also explores the theoretical foundations of risk ranking, including proving a key …
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The usual practice in economic forecasting is to report point predictions without specifying the attached probabilities. Periodic surveys of such forecasts produce group averages, which are taken to indicate the "consensus" of experts. Measures of the dispersion of individual forecasts around...
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We develop an integrated theory of investment, seasoned equity offerings (SEOs), liquidation, and corporate savings …
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Global climate change and other environmental challenges require the development of new energy technologies with lower emissions. In the near-term, R&D investments, either by government or the private sector, can bring down the costs of these lower emission technologies. However, the results of...
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role of secondary markets in providing opportunities for redistributing risk is made transparent and the modifications …
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This paper discusses how limited ability to assess patient risk of illness and predict treatment response may affect … afflict medical decision making, I apply basic decision theory to suggest reasonable decision criteria with well …
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We study the problem of a policymaker who seeks to set policy optimally in an economy where the true economic structure is unobserved, and he optimally learns from observations of the economy. This is a classic problem of learning and control, variants of which have been studied in the past, but...
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Social interactions make communicable disease a core concern of public health policy. A prevalent problem is scarcity of empirical evidence that are informative about how interventions affect population behavior and illness. Randomized trials, which have been important to evaluation of...
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probabilistic terms: we are facing deep uncertainty or ambiguity rather than risk in the classical sense, rendering the classical …
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