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analysis of Chile's recent experiences with capital controls and make some comparisons to the recent experiences of Columbia … that capital controls in Chile have had mixed results: while they have allowed the Central Bank to have a greater degree of …
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In spite of significant institutional and macroeconomic reforms over the last decade or two, capital flows to developing economies remain highly volatile. In 1996, net private capital flows to emerging markets reached US$230 billions; by 1997 these flows had been cut in half; by 1998 halved...
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This paper develops a new technique for measuring changes in the degree of capital mobility confronting a developing country that has restrictions on capital flows and official ceilings on domestic interest rates. Because such official controls rule out the use of traditional interest rate...
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This paper investigates the potential impacts of the degree of divergence in open macroeconomic policies in the context of the trilemma hypothesis. Using an index that measures the relative policy divergence among the three trilemma policy choices, namely monetary independence, exchange rate...
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This paper shows that the effect of capital account liberalization on growth depends upon the environment in which that policy occurs. A theoretical model demonstrates the possibility of an inverted-U shaped relationship between the responsiveness of growth to capital account liberalization and...
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The empirical relationship between capital controls and the financial development of credit and equity markets is examined. We extend the literature on this subject along a number of dimensions. Specifically, we (1) investigate a substantially broader set of proxy measures of financial...
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country cases (Chile and Malaysia). In this paper, we attempt to address some of these shortcomings by: being very explicit … bring to bear the experiences of less well known episodes than those of Chile and Malaysia. Then, using a portfolio balance …
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the type Chile implemented throughout most of the 1990s reduce a country's vulnerability to contagion. I also deal, albeit … presented in this paper shows that the effectiveness of Chile's controls on inflows has often been overstated. Indeed, Chile was …
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In this paper I analyze, within the context of the new 'financial architecture,' the relationship between exchange rate regimes, capital flows and currency crises in emerging economies. The paper draws on lessons learned during the 1990s, and deals with some of the most important policy...
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, financial regulations and the exchange rate regime. The focus is on the period after 1990, the period when Chile returned to … international capital markets. We also discuss the early 80s, where a currency collapse triggered a financial crisis in Chile … Asian-Russia crisis, showing that Chile did not suffer a sudden-stop, but a current account reversal due to policy reactions …
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