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The trilemma of international finance explains why interest rates in countries that fix their exchange rates and allow unfettered cross-border capital flows are largely outside the monetary authority's control. Using historical panel-data since 1870 and using the trilemma mechanism to construct...
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nonparametric estimation (e.g. Imbens et al. (2012) and Calonico et al. (2014)) are sometimes interpreted by practitioners as … pointing to a default estimation procedure, we show that in any given application different procedures may perform better or …
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We consider nonparametric identification and estimation in a nonseparable model where a continuous regressor of … endogenous assignment variable (like previous earnings). We provide new results on identification and estimation for these …
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Our study aims at assessing the actual importance of the two main channels usually contemplated in the literature through which upstream sector anticompetitive regulations may impact productivity growth: business investments in R&D and in ICT. We thus estimate what are the specific impacts of...
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, and the effects of different investment profiles on total factor productivity growth on Dutch firm-level data. We estimate … an integrated model of investment profile adoption and total factor productivity growth. We find that the three … investment decisions are complementary, in the sense that investing in one increases the probability of investing in another one …
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While patent systems have been widely used both historically and internationally, there is nonetheless a tremendous amount of controversy over whether patent systems – in practice – improve the alignment between private returns and social contributions. In this paper, I describe three...
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selection) in matching, instrumental variable and control functions methods. (2) It contrasts the roles of exclusion … restrictions in matching and selection models. (3) It characterizes the sensitivity of matching to the choice of conditioning …. (4) It demonstrates the problem of choosing the conditioning variables in matching and the failure of conventional model …
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The continuing adverse labor market effects of the Great Recession have intensified interest in policy efforts to spur job creation. In periods when labor demand and supply are in balance, either hiring credits or worker subsidies can be used to boost employment - hiring credits by reducing...
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RCTs would be more useful if there were more realistic expectations of them and if their pitfalls were better recognized. For example, and contrary to many claims in the applied literature, randomization does not equalize everything but the treatment across treatments and controls, it does not...
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Survey non-response has risen in recent years which has increased the share of imputed and underreported values found on commonly used datasets. While this trend has been well-documented for earnings, the growth in non-response to government transfers questions has received far less attention....
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