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In this paper, we investigate the use of limited-information estimators as measures of core inflation. Employing a …-sectional distribution of inflation can cause substantial noise in the aggregate price index at high frequencies. The model suggests that … limited-influence estimators, such as the median of the cross-sectional distribution of inflation, will provide superior short …
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Inflation dynamics have been difficult to explain over the last decade. This paper explores if a more comprehensive … treatment of globalization can help. CPI inflation has become more synchronized around the world since the 2008 crisis, but core … and wage inflation have become less synchronized. Global factors (including commodity prices, world slack, exchange rates …
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.S. headline inflation rate. This paper compares alternative approaches to filtering out the transitory effects of these industry … price changes and measuring the underlying or core level of inflation over 2020-2021. The Federal Reserve’s preferred … measure of core, the inflation rate excluding food and energy prices, has performed poorly: over most of 2020-21, it is almost …
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Two strands of the literature suggest that PPI inflation, rather than CPI inflation, should be the targeting variable … in a monetary policy rule. The distinction between these two rules would only be important if the two inflation indices … do not co-move strongly. The first contribution of this paper is to document that the two inflation gauges did co …
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This paper shows that conventional measures of cost-of-living inflation, based on static models of consumption, suffer …
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aggregation strategies and actual prices paid by consumers. We demonstrate that our methodology improves inflation measurement …
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Official price indexes, such as the CPI, are imperfect indicators of inflation calculated using ad hoc price formulae … different from the theoretically well-founded inflation indexes favored by economists. This paper provides the first estimate of … how accurately the CPI informs us about "true" inflation. We use the largest price and quantity dataset ever employed in …
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As central bankers intensify their focus on inflation as the primary goal of monetary policy, it becomes increasingly … important to have accurate and reliable measures of changes in the aggregate price level. Measuring inflation is surprisingly … transitory noise and bias. Noise causes short-run changes in measured inflation to inaccurately reflect movements in long …
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The debate over including asset prices in the construction of an inflation statistic has attracted renewed attention in … inflation at the retail level. In this paper, we take an alternative, longer-term perspective on the issue and argue that the … exclusion of asset prices introduces an 'excluded goods bias' in the computation of the inflation statistic that is of interest …
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In closed or open economy models with complete markets, targeting core inflation enables monetary policy to maximize … is high. We develop an open economy model with incomplete financial markets to show that headline inflation targeting … headline inflation, assigns zero weight to import prices …
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