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programs targeted toward disadvantaged children shows beneficial effects. Returns exceed costs, even accounting for the … disadvantaged children compared to home alternatives. Universal programs benefit disadvantaged children …
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In an effort to enhance the quality of early childhood education (ECE) at scale, nearly all U.S. states have recently adopted Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS). These accountability systems give providers and parents information on program quality and create both reputational and...
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Empowering women and enhancing children's early development are two important goals that are often pursued via … same time: empowering mothers through tools that also advance their children's development. A program operated by AVSI, an … Italian NGO, in a poor neighborhood of Quito, Ecuador, targets parents of children from birth to age 5. It provides family …
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We investigate short and long-term effects of early childhood education using variation created by a unique policy experiment in British Columbia, Canada. Our findings imply starting Kindergarten one year late substantially reduces the probability of repeating the third grade, and meaningfully...
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Past research has demonstrated that positive increments to the non-cognitive development of children can have long …
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A growing literature points to children’s influence on parents’ behavior, including parental investments in children …. Further, previous research has shown differential parental response by socioeconomic status to children's birth weight … earlier, more exogenous predictor of parental investments: offspring genotype. Specifically, we analyze (1) whether children …
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, including on learning activities. In contrast, the second intervention led to significant improvements in children’s cognitive …
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Large systematic differences in young children's home learning experiences have long-term economic consequences. Many …
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is not present for very young children. We next examine differences in specific parental teaching activities such as …
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The success of any governmental subsidy depends on whether it increases or crowds out existing consumption. Yet to date there has been little empirical evidence, particularly in the education sector, on whether government intervention crowds out private provision. Universal preschool policies...
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