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This paper examines old and new evidence on the predictive performance of asset prices for inflation and real output … prices predict either inflation or output growth in some countries in some periods. Which series predicts what, when and …
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Two often-divergent U.S. GDP estimates are available, a widely-used expenditure side version, GDPE, and a much less widely-used income-side version GDPI . We propose and explore a "forecast combination" approach to combining them. We then put the theory to work, producing a superior combined...
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We use data from the Survey of Professional Forecasters to compare point forecasts of GDP growth and inflation with the …
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inflation and activity. If policy makers are guided by the welfare criterion of the representative household, globalization … forces also lead monetary policy to be more aggressive with regard to inflation fluctuations but, at the same time, more …
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-price changes, and an index of equiproportional changes in all inflation rates, that we label quot;purequot; inflation. The paper … price changes to fundamental economic shocks. We use the estimates of the pure inflation and aggregate relative …-price components to answer two questions. First, what share of the variability of inflation is associated with each component, and how …
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The New-Keynesian aggregate supply derives from micro-foundations an inflation-dynamics model very much like the … tradition in the monetary literature. Inflation is primarily affected by: (i) economic slack; (ii) expectations; (iii) supply … shocks; and (iv) inflation persistence. This paper extends the New Keynesian aggregate supply relationship to include also …
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Not in an estimated DSGE model of the US economy, once we account for the fact that most of the high-frequency volatility in wages appears to be due to noise, rather than to variation in workers' preferences or market power
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) a persistent and hump-shaped response of inflation to a monetary policy shock, (ii) a large and persistent response of … shock, (v) non-inertial responses of inflation to non-monetary shocks, and (vi) a negative unconditional autocorrelation of … the first difference of inflation that is consistent with the data. A medium-scale model relying on backward indexation of …
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This paper introduces a new approach to the empirical testing of the Lucas- Sargent-Wallace (LSW) "policy ineffectiveness proposition." Instead of testing that hypothesis in isolation from any plausible alternative, the paper develops a single empirical equation explaining price change that...
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This paper develops a theory of expectations-driven business cycles based on learning. Agents have incomplete knowledge about how market prices are determined and shifts in expectations of future prices affect dynamics. In a real business cycle model, the theoretical framework amplifies and...
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