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Intuition suggests that firms with higher cash holdings are safer and should have lower credit spreads. Yet empirically, the correlation between cash and spreads is robustly positive and higher for lower credit ratings. This puzzling finding can be explained by the precautionary motive for...
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In this paper, we analyze the determinants of corporate saving in the form of changes in the stock of cash for 11 Asian economies using firm-level data from the Oriana Database for the 2002-2011 period. We find some evidence that cash flow has a positive impact on the change in the stock of...
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This paper examines the role of corporate headquarters in allocating scarce resources to competing projects in an internal capital market. Unlike a bank lender, headquarters has control rights that give it both the authority and the incentive to engage in 'winner-picking' -- the practice of...
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debt is strongly negatively correlated with corporate debt and investment, but strongly positively correlated with … strategy influences firms' capital structures and investment policies …
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Do financial markets properly reflect leverage? Unlike Gomes and Schmid (2010) who examine this question with a structural approach (using long-term monthly stock characteristics), my paper examines it with a quasi-experimental approach (using short-term a discrete event). After a firm has...
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. Firms' shareholders choose not only production and investment, but also capital structure and payout policy subject to … as well as reduce shareholder payout. This mechanism parsimoniously accounts for postwar comovement in investment, stock …
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investment responses of their competitors. Formal estimation of the model confirms that both types of expectational errors are … industry participants' competitive investment responses to shifts in demand. Ship prices are far too volatile given the mean … industry investment in fleet capacity, but forecast low future returns. We propose and estimate a behavioral model that can …
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volatility and growth. We first develop a simple growth model where firms engage in two types of investment: a short-term one and …, thus mitigating volatility. But when firms face tight credit constraints, long-term investment turns procyclical, thus …We examine how credit constraints affect the cyclical behavior of productivity-enhancing investment and thereby …
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Among stock market entrants, more firms over time are R&D–intensive with initially lower profitability but higher growth potential. This sample-selection effect determines the secular trend in U.S. public firms' cash holdings. A stylized firm industry model allows us to analyze two competing...
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We study liquidity transformation in mutual funds using a novel data set on their cash holdings. To provide investors with claims that are more liquid than the underlying assets, funds engage in substantial liquidity management. Specifically, they hold substantial amounts of cash, which they use...
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