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In this paper, I selectively discuss recent empirical work on the consequences of global labor mobility. I examine how international migration affects the incomes of individuals in sending and receiving countries and of migrants themselves. Were a social planner to choose the migration policies...
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ratio of the income elasticity of labor supply to the wage elasticity, holding fixed the degree of complementarity between … stochastic. Using a large set of existing estimates of wage and income elasticities, I find a mean estimate of g = 1. I also give … a calibration argument showing that a positive uncompensated wage elasticity, as found in most studies of labor supply …
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elasticity (avoidance) through tax enforcement and tax neutrality across income forms. The optimal top tax rate increases with … strong negative correlation between top tax rates and top 1% income shares since 1960, implying that the overall elasticity …This paper presents a model of optimal labor income taxation where top incomes respond to marginal tax rates through …
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utility model. I derive a formula for the coefficient of relative risk aversion (g) in terms of (1) the ratio of the income … elasticity of labor supply to the wage elasticity and (2) the degree of complementarity between consumption and labor. I bound … labor supply elasticity estimates from thirty-three studies, I find a mean estimate of g = 1. I then show that generating g …
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instrumental variables estimates of the sensitivity of income to changes in tax rates. From 1979 to 1981, the US income tax … changes in income between taxpayers close to the top-end of a tax bracket to the other taxpayers. These estimates, based on … comparisons between very similar groups, are robust to underlying changes in the income distribution, such as a rise in inequality …
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compensated elasticity of income with respect to tax rates. These models are used to perform simulations of bunching and calibrate … the key parameters (the behavioral elasticity and the extent to which taxpayers control their income) to the empirical … income distributions. Except for low income earners, the behavioral elasticity consistent with the empirical results is small …
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-migrants. Our estimates show that international migration flows are highly responsive to income per capita at destination. This … elasticity is twice as high for within-EU migration, reflecting the higher degree of labor mobility within the European Union. We …
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We examine how the legalization programs of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) have affected immigration to the United States since the late 1980s. Our empirical approach exploits variation in IRCA’s timing and the magnitude of the legalization shock across metropolitan...
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In this paper we use New Immigrant Survey data to investigate the impact of immigrant women's own labor supply prior to migrating and female labor supply in their source country to provide evidence on the role of human capital and culture in affecting their labor supply and wages in the United...
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UK population growth over the past thirty-five years has been remarkably low in comparison with other countries; the population grew by just 7% between 1971 and 2004, less than all the other EU15 countries. The UK population has grown at a faster pace since the turn of the millennium. Both the...
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